5 Ways to Create AHA! Training Moments Using BRAVOZONE Games
Discover five creative strategies to spark more AHA! Moments in your training today with BRAVOZONE!
Set The Stage
Students demonstrate more success when they know what the learning target of the lesson is. Start by outlining the path your game or quiz will follow, clearly explaining the rules, the process for answering questions, and the team assignments.
Create a Positive Tone
Research shows that sudden insights occur more frequently when people are in a positive state of mind compared to when they are anxious. To cultivate this positive environment, here are a few ideas to consider:
Add music, videos, background images, custom logos, fonts, custom icons
Come up with creative Category Names & icons
Customize Team Names, colors, avatars
Start with an AHA!
Rather than kicking off your session with a lot of chatter, try to give your group a surprising insight right away. Show them an interesting video, technique, or idea that can spark new thoughts. This approach acts like a discovery switch, getting everyone ready to find even more exciting ideas as the session goes on.
Build-in Reflection Time
Set aside time for personal reflection because great ideas are often hiding just below the surface, waiting to come out. Do this with Preview or Summary Slides and let everyone share their thoughts in small groups. This helps participants gather new ideas and see connections they might not have noticed before.
End with an AHA!
At the end of your session, everyone will have lots of fresh ideas and information. Add an Open Ended or Polling Questions to encourage your group to share one exciting realization they had during the session. This allows everyone to focus on key takeaways and might inspire even more exciting moments for others.
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