Customer Testimonials

At C3 SoftWorks, customer satisfaction is very important to us. That’s why we like to regularly check in with our customers and ask them how we’re doing. When our customers provide us with feedback, we can learn about which areas we are excelling in, and do our best to keep up what we're doing right! We can also learn about areas where our customers feel we could use improvement, and work to find new ways to enhance their customer experience.

Strategies For Youth Utilizes BRAVOZONE for Police Education

Many kids have never interacted with a police officer, so SAPD and community partners are rolling out an educational game built in the BRAVOZONE to prepare the youth. The game tests students’ knowledge of the law, and allows them to get input from officers. Officer Pope says the it's a game changer for the SAPD. By encouraging teens like Jayden to think before they react around law enforcement.

  • “It has given us the ability to do our regulatory training much more quickly by developing our own courses. It has been invaluable in determining retention of information, especially with new hires.”

    Heather Fritz (Dow Credit Union)

  • “It's easy and visually attractive.”

    Lisa Schwartz (ITSM Academy)

  • “I enjoy how open the product is. The folks at C3 provide you a canvas in which you can create and deliver just about any learning experience you can think of. I have used the product for orientation, onboarding, and skills based training. It is scalable for content recall, learning assessments, surveys, and just about any other combination you can think of.”

    Adam Yasneski (S3 Shared Service Solution)

  • "We use Whirl predominantly as an Interval Reinforcement tool to reduce the forgetting curve. Its helped create a fun expectation from our programs as well as let's people have fun while learning!"

    Troy Danahey
    (Rinnai America Corporation)

  • "Our Team had doubled in size recently, my manager contacted me asking if I could come up with a “Getting to know you” type of game. While she and I were speaking, my thoughts were immediately drawn to Quiz Show. We asked each team member to send us 2 facts (one “serious” and 1 fun) and a picture of one of their hobbies, preferably with them performing their hobby. Each team member emailed the facts to just me. I used each of the facts and pictures as clues in order for the team to learn more about each other, outside of work. The full board was used! The hardest part coming up with how to phrase the fact. Using the system was soooo easy and took mere minutes to complete. This team meeting was a virtual lunch so I thought of categories that had to do with a meal; Lunch, Snacks, Cheezy Bits, Desserts, and Left Overs. Our team is quite competitive so I thought of the old time saying of it’s on like Donkey Kong and found an image for that as well. It worked perfectly as a FUN, team building game. We learned more about each other and connected in a way we have not been able to because we are all remote. I highly recommend this software for everything from Training to team building."

    Kiki (Reliance Technology Solutions)

  • "Works like a dream Paul! Your product has enabled us to keep providing essential trainings thru this pandemic and allowed us to do things that we never expected to need at the start of 2020. Thank you."

    Fred Bause (Vestas Blades America)

  • "For our recent training I created a refresher Jeopardy-style game. It went over real well. I tried my hand at some customizations; adding opening music, and a few pictures, and made the avatars resemble our trainers and supervisors that were participating for the week.I find your product to be very easy to use and a lot of fun too."

    Carolyn (Blue Cross Blue Shield)

  • "We used the training at our company safety meeting with about 300 employees. The guys were not looking forward to a day of safety training/meeting. Then when I got up on stage and announced it was time to do the training, the groans came out. So I brought up the quiz, explained what was going on and instructed them to get their phones out and sign on. Once we got playing, I could see the interest from the guys in the crowd. This was my first time using it and it went off without any issues! Today I had a lot of the guys tell me that was the most fun that they had with safety training. Thanks for making my job a lot easier."

    Brian (Clow Valve)

  • "We get introduced to these huge, complicated systems all the time and yet we always go back to your simple to use tools."

    Scott (Principal Funds)

  • "Our first event was a smash hit! Went very well, and very well received. Thank you for helping me make it a success!"

    Shannon (Charles Schwab)

  • "The game show was a huge hit. The Ping! (virtual keypad software) system worked like a champ. The students were signing up without any instructions based on a tent card we put on the table with the four steps: go to website, enter code, pick team and enter name. Thank you very much for the support in advance to have the confidence to go live!"

    John (Milwaukee Tool)

  • "The platform is brilliant and we love it! I have built multipe games and incorporated them into our LMS for learning around Materials Management. All is going really well with the software!"

    Susan (Ingersoll Rand)

  • "We have been using the games successfully in the classroom and we really like the way it changes the learning environment, I use BRAVOZONE for all of my classes and I have the other computer set up to be used for the other instructors to use when they are teaching in town and have had great feedback from them."

    Dustin (Emerson Network Power)

  • "So yesterday was our first big event where we used the games – we did Quiz Show and Spin Off. I can’t begin to tell you how successful it was. We had 165 people and the conference center told me they had to close the doors outside the conference hall because the cheering of the teams was so loud. HAHA! SUCCESS!!"

    Shani (Georgia Department of Education)

  • "I really like the Spin Off game and I'm playing BRAVO! more & more with my presentations. My audiences are loving it. Thanks!"

    Scott DeBoer (University of Chicago Hospitals)

  • "We used the Catapult game to teach 7 key elements behind why participant-centered training works. We literally laughed every 1-2 minutes. There was so much energy! We love your products, we are fans and excited for the future!"

    Becky Pike Pluth (The Bob Pike Group)

  • "I had a wonderful time using BRAVO! It was the perfect activity for me to leave with a non-music substitute teacher while I was at a conference. I used Quiz Show. I was able to import sounds of musical instruments for one of my categories and MP3's of songs we've sung in class for a NAME THAT TUNE category. I also imported written music from my FINALE music publishing program for students to identify songs we've read in class. I look forward to some spare time when I can fool around with the other games in the BRAVO! program. I have to say, the kids LOVED the quiz and it was a great assessment tool for me to see what concepts they knew and what concepts they were still struggling with."

    Ev Emerson (Elementary Teacher)

  • "We have monthly safety meetings for all plant personnel where we cover the Safety Procedures, OSHA required topics, environmental topics, changes at the plant, etc. Quite often, there is the need for a test. Rather than do the standard written test (write, copy, distribute, collect, grade, re-distribute, counsel, collect, file – you see where I’m coming from), we do one of the games in Bravo. I either write the test or at times have downloaded the standardized test from the portal. The game is received much better than a test and the results are concise and easy to file, not to mention with the scoring breakdown it is easy for me to see if it’s an employee problem, a teaching problem or a procedural problem."

    Charlene (NAES)

  • "Our test scores have gone from the low 80's to the mid 90's since we started using your training games."

    Tim (AT&T)

  • "We had our first training session today utilizing the games and they were a huge hit! We are very pleased with the games and our trainees seemed to feel the same. We’re really looking forward to using this in future sessions, the response has been positive."

    Simone (Armstrong Fluid Technology)

  • "I created a game that is played in a team format in the classroom and respondents use clickers that allow them to choose their answers. I am able to gather data in 3 different ways: 1) During the group discussion when we capture comments on flip charts. 2) Playing the game. 3) Via survey that we put out 2 weeks after training to measure retention. BRAVO! Results allow me to electronically capture how the questions are answered and how many get them right or wrong."

    B. Walsh (National Air)

  • "The Q&A software is used a lot through our training to get feed back on team members’ real life experiences with topics as well as gauging comprehension of a subject just covered. I’m really excited for how we’re using the Showdown game. We’ve created three rounds in that game. The first round shows them a picture of an industrial setting, and asks them to identify the hazards. The second round introduces a new hazard (confined space entry), and asks them to identify the things that they would need to do in order to enter the space. The final round is a closer shot of the confined space, asking them to think of possible changes in condition that could happen during the confined space entry."

    Marissa (Safety Instructor - Arcelormittal)

  • "Last night we had our Quiz night ….with 4 buzzers and 4 podium microphones - it was very realistic. The night was a huge success! It was awesome to see adults getting so involved in a game. After the event, everyone commented on the how well the game performed - we did Jeopardy style QuizShow. My Pastor has now asked me to look into doing a Bible quiz using the same setup. Thank you for such a fantastic product!"

    Albert (Citylife Christian Outreach Centre, Australia)

  • "We had about 30-40 people in attendance including our CEO and everyone had a great time with it and believe it or not, actually learned a few things."

    John (American Medical Systems)

  • “Your BRAVO! software is really amazing, very user friendly and easy to manipulate."

    GM (Mexico)

  • “WE DID IT!!! We took the game to a new level! Sears wanted to use the Pronto Catapult game. I was able to change the colors of the teams and the Kings and Queens on each computer to match my team mates who were going to play the lead for the team. The presentation had multiples slides and videos. We trained over 400 Sales Hometown store owners in 4 session! The keypads all ran in with out a hiccup like last year too! I want to thank you for your support again! It is always great knowing when I go into these big events that you are only a phone call away. I also took a day to train 6 other Regional Support Managers like myself on the game. I am showing them that it's easy to work with and that they too can use the games for their account. I also gave them your C3 Academy website to learn from. ”

    Mary (Electrolux Major Appliances)

  • "The use of BRAVO! during a recent event was a success."

    Daniel Casillas (UT Southwestern Medical Center)

  • “Thanks for all of your assistance in setting up and delivering the final exam for the Coldwell Banker Commercial training program. Using BRAVO! Spin-Off, the students were allowed to work as both a team and as individuals. By using the question preview and summary, each question provided a teaching moment. By letting the teams discuss the answer choices, we had yet another learning opportunity. The competition between the teams made the 78 question exam move quickly. C3 Softworks did a lot more than sell a software game, they provided the backup support to guide me through most effectively using the game. This is the difference that really makes the difference.”

    Ralph (Innovative Learning, LLC)

  • “It works! My goodness! It works! I had to use 2 programs just to use the other versions of the e-instruction CPS remotes with the BRAVO! software! Now you've managed to make it work! Goodness! You made things so much easier for me as well! Thanks so very much! Could I be one of the first to get the upgraded version? Haha... I'm overjoyed! ”


  • “We are rocking n' rolling with the BRAVO software and it's a huge hit with our learner population. My boss is telling me how this is “the best money we've spent on a development application!” He's loving it!”

    Anne (eLearning Ecosystem Manager - Milwaukee Tool)

  • "We've been able to incorporate the BRAVO! games into our eLearning courseware. This is saving us costly development time and delivering a top-notch learning program to our staff."

    Trace Symonds (American Heart University / AHA)

  • “This year, WATDA converted its two most popular training programs over to a game-based format using C3Softworks' BRAVO! game software. Attendees were much more engaged throughout the program - even after lunch. The evaluations definitely showed that attendees enjoyed the game show format. As a speaker, I found that the game shows helped keep me on subject and I was able to cover more material in the same amount of time. Overall, I found Bravo to be a very good value. The combination of a quality product and excellent customer support gave me a great round of seminars. Based on evaluation responses, I believe utilizing Bravo will translate into increased repeat attendance at future schools. ”

    Susan (Wisconsin Automobile & Truck Dealers Assn.)

  • “Let me just say that I love the Bravo software and the keypads. C3 is wonderful to work with and helpful to me as I was developing my games. They even assisted with my pictures and graphics to make my games extremely professional looking. In short, I would recommend BRAVO! to any trainer. ”

    Teri (Emergency Preparedness Coordinator PG&E)

  • "We had a lot of great interest in the game. In fact, within the first 10 minutes of the exhibit hall opening we gathered a nice little crowd of attendees that were playing and watching the game in action. We had it loaded in a touch screen kiosk so it was easy for attendees to see and play. We have another meeting coming up for another product that we sell and we will be using the software for that show, too. So far, it's been easy to customize, as each product has its own look and color palate, so I appreciate that functionality. Thanks again for all your help and assistance!"

    Megan (PRMS)

  • “I wanted to thank you for developing such a great product. I have been an instructor for over 15 years and I can't remember the last time so many of my students walked up to me after the class and had so many compliments to say. The student surveys were almost all top tier with almost all the additional hand written comments writing about the CLICK software. One student wrote, "Very Good Class, very interactive and kept it lively" another wrote "the remotes are very user friendly and helpful making learning interactive". After class one student came up after class and said "wow, that class was really good and those remotes are great! Thank you again for the great teaching tool. We had a lot of fun working with them and the insight on how each student did individually after the class was even better feedback.”

    Ryan (Chief of EMS Training & Education)

  • "I'm having a blast with BRAVO! I've done a Lockout Tagout and Bloodborne Pathogen training with it so far. I'm now working on one for New Hire Orientation…. I like the slammer concept for the family fued game, its good for team building. I've been telling everybody I can about how cool this software is. I've gotten requests for more games for other departments so I can't say enough"

    Heather (Environmental Safety Trainer - Ryt-Way)

  • "I used BRAVO!'s Spinoff game for an 'affective domain' lesson last week. It worked great! It was a ten minute lesson on Prejudice and my audience was moved. One woman started to cry, but was positive about it, in that she was surprised at how she could be so moved in such a short lesson. I believe that it was the juxtaposition of a game on top of such a serious topic that caused this reaction. Thanks for a great product! What a cool tool."

    Marty Boogaart (CIT Program - Lethbridge College)

  • "You and your company have already shown yourselves to stand out of the rest of many, many software companies as being willing to bend over backwards for schools. I will recommend your product to any teachers outside of MCA, that I know. Throughout my whole research process and purchasing you have been extremely courteous, very informative and gave me everything I was looking for. I have used the Bravo! Standard in three of my classes so far and my kids love it. They always want to know when we're going to use it again."

    Michael (Network Administrator)

  • "I've not seen gaming software before that lets me, or should I say encourages me, to tweak the game interface. For example, I can customize the game intro page to show off my company logo or my corporate brand!"

    April Creasy (University of Washington)

  • "The Using Games to Teach webinar helped me to look at gaming in a different way - as a tool to facilitate teaching and enhance learning in both the classroom and distance learning environments. It showed me how to apply gaming to get my students not only engaged in the content, but also how it can stimulate their critical thinking. It takes things way beyond the ‘game show - let's have fun' aspect and turns it into a real learning tool."

    Doug Gadomski BS EMT-P Education & Staff Development Specialist (U of NM Health Sciences Center/Hospitals)

  • “Great interactive tool to review fire safety!” “Love it. Great tool for teaching. ” “Excellent program!” “Very fun learning tool.” “This was so much fun...and great information.” “Excellent fire safety education idea!” “Good tool for dept. members to utilize.” “This was awesome.” “This is VERY helpful and fundimental!!!” “Nice. Would be a great addition to fire prevention.” “Very Good Fire Prevention tool. ” “This was an excellent educational message.” “Great Quiz!”

    State Fire Marshall Challenge BS EMT-P Education & Staff Development Specialist (A collection of feedback data sent from the online participants who took the Fire Marshal Challenge.)

  • "The game was a huge hit… and my boss was very pleased...Thank you VERY much!"

    Mary (Compliance Manager, Global Industries)

  • "We just love this software.... It is so easy to update and everyone I have spoken with at C3 has been so helpful. The new reporting features in the LMS look great!"

    Shawn (RS&K)

  • "I produced the first draft game this morning on IS-700 NIMS review. (BRAVO!) is a great product - easy to use and just begs for you to make another training."

    David (Woodford County Fire & EMS)

  • "BRAVO! was an amazing addition to our Vacation Bible School (VBS) this year. The atmosphere it created was so fun I don't think the kids even realized how much they were learning!! During our time in Children's Ministry this is certainly the most unique and beneficial tool we have purchased. Thank you so much!!"

    Ginger Olson (Emmanuel Christian Center)

  • "We did a demo in our company quarterly meeting and the slammers were a big hit…no pun intended. This week is game 3 and we have a giant bracket showing who is progressing down to the final 3. We are only using Quiz Show right now but plan on getting all 4 games going soon. I have an excel list of just under 100 questions so I really look forward to the question database feature! That will make things a lot easier as I have to do a lot of copy/paste right now. Over all, we are VERY happy with the Bravo games! We just finished our 10th Quiz Show game ending our first game series. It went very well and upper management was very excited. They had a great time watching and we are going to branch into the other games next!"

    Donald Johnson (CSC Supervisor - Hospitality Solutions International)

  • "Jon and I would like to thank you for both the outstanding customer service you provided us yesterday and for so generously and quickly sending us the Bravo! Software. Jon held a little training session for his fellow teachers at the Area 1 Inside Electrical JATC in Portland, Oregon yesterday evening to demonstrate the program and it's incredible versatility. The instructors are impressed and motivated to use this new tool in their curriculum. Thanks again for courteous, patient, and valuable technical support: You were a pleasure to work with and we are very favorably impressed with your service."

    Jill Consiglio (J.C. Electric, Inc.)

  • "I had the opportunity for my trainer to use the BRAVO! software during a real training session. Our training is dry and technical and lasts for three days. As you might imagine, it is very easy to lose the participants attention with in seconds. In the past we utilized hands on labs for the students and this activity would keep them engaged until after lunch. After the feeding session they were physically present but mentally absent. Chris, my trainer, fired up the BRAVO!"

    Jay (Vecima Networks, Inc.)