Sample Games & Quizzes

Experience some of the many ways you can create elearning games and quizzes within seconds. We’ve provided a few examples of some interactive, online training games with general trivia questions. Enjoy!

The CONFIDENCE Challenge

This month, we’re highlighting one of our favorite new games - CONFIDENCE. Find out what you know and are you willing to bet on it?

Explore 10 unique game templates, designed for both Self-Paced and Team-Based modes!

2024 Olympics Trivia Game

Unleash your inner Olympic enthusiast with 2024 Summer Olympic Trivia.

EMS History Challenge

See how much you know about good nutrition and healthier living.

St. Patty’s Trivia

May the "luck of the Irish" be with you as you take this quiz!

Bank Trainer’s Trivia

This quiz will test your knowledge about banking and services.

Star-Spangled Trivia

Test your Star-Spangled knowledge with our latest trivia game!

PUB Trivia

Test your wits with topics like pop culture, technology and history - it's sure to bring on the fun and learning.


Brush up on your knowledge of Cupid, hearts, candy, Valentine's Day and more.

All About Nevada

Test your Nevada knowledge, from the state's geography, history, culture, and famous landmarks.

Sweetheart Trivia

Get ready to feel the love and learn about the true love’s history of Valentine's Day.

2021 New Years Trivia

Celebrate with us by testing your knowledge about the holiday with New Year trivia.

A Boooo-tiful Night

Play the spook-tacular quiz and see how much you know about all things spooky.

Fall-ing for Trivia

Spice up your Fall training with this un-be-leaf-able quiz about Autumn!

Baseball Trivia

Test your baseball knowledge and see if you can hit a “Home Run” with this trivia game!

Train Like a Jedi

Test your knowledge of the Star Wars universe and become the brightest light saber in the galaxy.

Hello Spring!

Play the Hello Spring Trivia and see how much you know about this wonderful season of sunshine and rebirth.

Gobble Gobble

Add a new twist to your holiday gathering this year with a fun (and informative) Turkey Day Trivia Game.

Baseball Trivia

Let’s see how much you know about, The Greatest Game in the World!

Earth Day

How well do you know your environmental facts? Test your knowledge with our Earth Day Quiz!

Spring Time Trivia

Let's see what you know about this exciting season of new life and regrowth!

Valentine’s Trivia

Test your knowledge of Valentine's Day history, traditions, and fun facts.

Batter Up!

See how much you know about, what Babe Ruth called, “The Greatest Game in the World!”

Presidential WHIRL

See how you can deliver your content in a fun and engaging way with this witty Presidential Trivia game.

Quarantine Quiz

We invite you to enjoy a fun and friendly countdown to freedom quiz!

Valentine WHIRL

See how you can deliver your content in a fun and engaging way with this Valentine's Trivia Game.

Laughter Quiz

Laughter and what causes it is still a mystery to many, but research is revealing more every day. Laughter has great value in coping with adversity and grief.

Safety Trivia

Test your employees safety knowledge on important health and safety issues.

Fact -or- Fiction

Play the Fact or Fiction Trivia Game and put your knowledge to the test: can you discern the truth from the tales?

Healthy Lifestyle Quiz

See how much you know about good nutrition and healthier living.


Test your knowledge on important OSHA health and safety issues.